Welcome to

My name is Konrad Weber.
As a systemic consultant, I support management and boards in strategy development. So that you can implement changes profitably and sustainably.

How I can support you

Changes to processes, structures and the culture of the organisation are at the heart of my strategy consulting. However, I am primarily concerned with one thing: people.

Do you have questions about the sustainable transformation of your organisation? I can help you find answers in these areas:

Future Foresight

  • Do you want to identify trends and be prepared for future developments?
  • Would you like to establish a future process and need methodological support?
  • Do you need a competition or potential analysis for the introduction of a new product?


  • Are you planning a strategic realignment of your organisation?
  • Do you need an outside perspective when prioritising strategic measures?
  • Are you looking for support in developing sustainable business models?


  • Are you planning a major change process in your organisation and need support with planning, communication and implementation?
  • Are you looking for someone who can support you in a major change process and also manage this project operationally?


  • Would you like to present a more united front as a management team and exemplify a new understanding of leadership?
  • Do you want to encourage your employees to take personal responsibility?
  • Are you looking for support for the introduction of self-organisation in your company?

Team culture

  • Would you like to establish a culture of trust and collaboration without friction in your organisation?
  • Do you need support in moderating team processes?
  • Would you like to work together openly and honestly in an interdisciplinary team?


  • Are you looking for someone who not only knows agile and interdisciplinary working methods, but also lives them?
  • Would you like to set up digital tools and agile workflows in your organisation?
  • Do you want to strengthen the product mindset in your organisation and build up the necessary know-how within the company?

Worüber ich zuletzt nachgedacht habe Zu allen Artikeln

Ob Strategiearbeit, Veränderungsprozesse oder Teamkultur: Regelmässig schreibe ich Fachartikel über strategisch relevante Zukunftsthemen. Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl meiner neusten Artikel.

Um meine Arbeit besser zu verstehen, finden Sie hier eine Übersicht bisheriger Projekte Zu allen Projekten

Als systemischer Berater und Coach verstehe ich die Strategiearbeit als kollaborativen Arbeitsprozess, bei dem die Umsetzung stets den Beginn einer neuen Lernkurve darstellt. Nur eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise führt dabei zum Erfolg.

Was ich zu Agilität, Transformation und Strategiearbeit lese Zu allen Empfehlungen

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach mehr Inspiration? Hier kuratiere ich Bücher und Lesetipps zu den Themen Strategie, Kulturwandel, Leadership, Organisationsentwicklung und Change Management.